07/Feb /2025


08/Feb /2025


1 /Stay

HOME Location

【By car】

Head east on National Highway no. 1, exit at the 23-A Yuanshan offramp. Head to Binjiang Street, and turn left at Bingjiang Street (by the "Dazhi" sign). Turn right at the Fuxing N. Road vehicle underpass, and head straight on Fuxing N. Road in a southerly direction. Make an U-turn at the Minsheng E. Road Insection, and travel in a northerly on Fuxing N. Road for approximately 50m.

【By MRT】

Take MRT Wenhu line (no. 1 line), and get off at Zhongshan Junior High school Station.

【By Bus】

Any one of the following buses: no. 5 (Zhonghe); no. 685 (Tianmu); no. 63 (Taipei train station); no. 74 (Jianguo N. Road); Brown 1 (Songshan Airport); 680 (Tianmu).

【To / From the airport】

Airport shuttle bus: Get off at MRT Zhongxiao Fuxing Station. NT$150 for a one-way trip (approximately 50 minutes)

Limousine shuttle service: NT$1600 from the airport; NT$1400 to the airport. 

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